What is Inflamation in Poultry?

What is Inflamation in Poultry? Let us know about the Inflamation in the poultry farms.


What is Inflamation in Poultry?

What is Inflamation in Poultry?

The living tissue with its blood vessels first tries to protect itself from injury. This reaction of the tissue against local injury is called ‘inflammation’. Its purpose is to destroy, dilute, or isolate the injurious agent and repair the damage caused. During inflammation, a lot of fluid and cells escape from the blood vessels into the tissue.

The purpose is to dilute the iritant, to bring in protective cells into the area to destroy the disease-producing micro-organisms, and also to get antibodies that would help these cells in killing the pathogens. Thus, inflammation is body’s defensive response. Without inflammation, infections would go unchecked and wounds would never heal. Inflammation is therefore fundamental to the survival of the bird.

In fact, it is the most basic, the most important, and the most common response that occurs following an injury. Most diseases, at some time in their course, are inflammation. In fact. more than 80% of the diseases in poultry are basically inflammatory in nature. The most common causes of inflammation in the chicken are the disease-producing micro-organisms, mainly viuses, bacteria, mycoplasma, and coccidia.

Like higher forms of life, micro-organisms also fight for survival. Being small, they have been provided by nature with a large survival potential (capacity) through their ability to reproduce in extremely large numbers. These large numbers mean that their spread in the environment would be extensive. Most micro-organisms are therefore abundant in the poultry world.

Inflammation of an organ or tissue is described by adding suffix -itis’ after its name, which is mostly, is Latin or Greek. For example, ‘enteritis’ is inflammation of intestine: ‘hepatitis’ inflammation of liver; ‘nephritis’ inflammation of kidneys,’ tracheitis’ inflammation of trachea; and “dermatitis’ inflammation of the skin.

What is Inflamation in Poultry?

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